Your Journey to Parenthood
Starts Here

Your dream family is closer than you think.

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We aim to assist couples become a family by raising awareness and providing financial assistance to couples experiencing infertility and seeking infertility treatments, adoption or surrogacy.



Hi, welcome to Everyone Deserves a Family… a non-profit organization created out of love and passion to help others struggling to start a family of their own.  My name is Lindsey Tomaszewski and I am the Founder of Everyone Deserves a Family.  My husband and I struggled for years with infertility, our hearts breaking after every failed IUI, chemical pregnancy, and IVF transfer with no answers as to what was wrong.  During the last failed transfer my husband literally had to peel me off of the floor and said “That’s it, we just want to be parents, it’s time we look into adopting”.  It took me some time to agree as we still had two frozen embryos left and a reproductive doctor that wanted us to just “try again”.  But I knew in my heart my husband was right and we needed to follow God’s plan, so after $27,000 out of pocket towards reproductive science and broken hearts, we began our new journey of adopting.

How We Beat the Odds to Become Parents


We signed up with an adoption agency in April 2018.  They required an up-front marketing fee of $15,000 to get started and we were told it takes an average wait time of 2 years to be chosen for a newborn baby.  Well low and behold, God definitely had better plans as we were chosen less than 2 weeks after our profile went “Live” on the adoption website and our sweet baby boy already had been born the night before!  We became instantaneous parents (with literally no baby supplies) to our first angel baby, Gavin, who we fell in love with immediately and is the sunshine of our family.  The total cost for adoption was $56,000 and was worth every single penny.

Fast forward to a few months later with the pressure off of my husband and I to start a family now that we had our beautiful baby boy, we decided to go back to our reproductive doctor to try for another baby. After extensive testing and a transfer that was canceled, I was diagnosed with Repeated Implantation Failure. After spending an additional $5,000 for this round, at least we were at some peace that the chances of me ever holding a pregnancy full term were very small.

My husband and I both grew up with close families and siblings,  therefore we felt a sibling for Gavin was very important.  With two frozen embryos left it was my turn to convince my husband that surrogacy was the next “journey” we would be embarking on.  In 2020 we signed up with a surrogacy agency and were matched immediately with our amazing surrogate… thank you God again! The first transfer with our surrogate also failed, but our last embryo stuck!  In 2021 we witnessed a miracle as this selfless saint of a woman birthed our second angel baby, Beckham, who brings all of the energy to our family and completes us in every way.  The total cost for surrogacy was $85,000 and was worth every single penny.

I look at my beautiful family now and am so blessed and thankful not only for our angel babies that found their way to us but that we had the financial means to bring our family together. Adding up the cost for infertility treatments, our adoption journey, and our surrogacy journey it was nearly $200,000 out of pocket to create our family. Meanwhile, the latest published U.S. Consensus means household income is only $70,784. It breaks my heart to know that there are so many families out there that simply cannot afford to take the next steps in their infertility journey. Everyone Deserves a Family was born on this passion and is dedicated to helping one family at a time by providing grants to these couples and helping them get to their ultimate goal… to have a baby!



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Lindsey Tomaszewski



Christine Hamilton


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Matt Tomaszewski



infertility treatments



Everyone Deserves a Family Inc.
40 Main Street
Windermere, Fl 34786
[email protected]